Old school Easter eggs.
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The wapsite for mobile
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Mvwap.wapsite.me-wapsite download và giải trí hàng đầu
The wapsite for mobile
[Game][Sms hình][Nhạc][ Ứng dụng][Truyện]
Thủ thuật Mvwap.wapsite.me
kiem tra sim xem co che do tiet kiem pin hay khong.*#7780# (rst0) : khoidong lai may (can nhap mat khau).*#7370# :khoi phuc cai dat goc (can nhap mat khau). *#7370925538# (res0wallet) : luu tru bi mat wallet (phai biet mat ma may). *#67705646# (opr0logo) : xoa logo mang, du ve mac dinh la ten mang cung cap dich vu.*#7220# (pca0) : kich hoat che do PCCH tiet kiem thoi gian truy cap gprs(tuy vao mang cung cap dich vu) .*#7230# (pcd0) : tat PCCH, may tu khoi dong lai. *#2640# : hien thi ma bi mat dang su dung. *#2820# : hien thi bluetooth. *#7489# : hien thi man hinhbao ve. *#3925538# : xoa bo chi tieu.x# : xem so thue bao vi tri x trong the sim (x tu 1-255).#pw+1234567890+1# hoac +2#, +3#, +4#,+5#, +6#, *3370# (efr0) : kich hoat che do EFR, cho chat luong am thanh tot hon nhung ton pin hon. #3370# (efr0) : tat che do EFR neu da bat, may se khoi dong lai.*4720# (hrc0): kich hoat che do HRC, chat luong am thanh kem nhung it ton pin hon. #4720# (hrc0) : tat HRC neuco dung, khoi dong lai may.*#0000# : thong tin phan mem (phien ban, NSX, ten phan mem).*#7760 (srn0) : xem so seri.*#06#: xem IMEI.*#92702689# (war0anty) : cac thong tin bao hanh.*#746025625# (sim0clock) : kiem tra sim xem co che do tiet kiem pin hay khong.*#7780# (rst0) :khoi dong lai may (can nhapmat khau).*#7370# :khoi phuc cai dat goc (can nhap mat khau).*#7370925538# (res0wallet) :luu tru bi mat wallet (phai biet mat ma may). *#67705646# (opr0logo) : xoa logo mang, du ve mac dinh la ten mang cung cap dich vu.*#7220# (pca0) : kich hoat che do PCCH tiet kiem thoi gian truycap gprs (tuy vao mang cung cap dich vu).*#7230# (pcd0) : tat PCCH, may tu khoi dong lai. *#2640# : hien thi ma bi mat dang su dung.*#2820# : hien thi bluetooth.*#7489# : hien thiman hinh bao ve.*#3925538# : xoa bo chi tieu.x# : xem so thue bao vi tri x trong the sim (xtu 1-255).#pw+1234567890+1# hoac +2#, +3#, +4#,+5#, +6#, +7# : kiem tra cokhoa hay khong.#pw+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx+1# hoac +2#, +3#,+4#, +5#, +6#, +7# : mo khoa ma symbian.>>Format may symbian s60: Tat nguon roi an giu dong thoi cac phim *, 3, goi di va nut tat mo nguon. Cac giu lieu luu tru trong bo nho dien thoai se bi xoa.(Ma bao ve mac dinh cua Nokia: 12345).
Bây giờ là:06:15
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